Gunallo On-Property Sale
Was held on Thursday, 1 September 2016.
Gunallo top selling ram sold to John and Glen Farr for $8750.
Left to right: Landmark’s Richard Miller, Elders Pinnaroo livestock agent David Daniel, top price ram buyers John and Glen Farr, Ray and Brad Schroeder (kneeling), and Landmark’s Michael Lawrence.
Gunallo second highest price ram sold to Hansie Graetz of Pepperwell and Brenton Smith of Calcookara.
Left to right: Landmark’s Michael Lawrence, Hansie Graetz, Pepper Well, and Brenton Smith, Calcookara, Gunallo principal Brad Schroeder, top ram buyer Glen Farr, Gunallo principal Ray Schroeder and Landmark’s Richard Miller.
Classing Classics Ram Sale
Was held on Monday, September 5th
Gunallo 702 was sold to Vic buyer Stuart Croft for $16,000.
Left to right: Brad Schroeder, Stuart Croft, Kevin Beaton, Ray Schroeder, Bill Walker and Gordon Wood.
Adelaide Ram Sale
Was held on Friday 9th September 2016.
Gunallo 150361 sold for $8,000 to Judy and Keith Paech from Lucernbrae, Callington.