Gunallo 140009 sold to Altus Pastoral for $3,200.00 (Record On-Property price).
Left to right: Richard Miller, Ray Schroeder, Tom Bell and Craig Altus, Altus Pastoral, Michael Lawrence and Brad Schroeder.
Gunallo 140007 “Bond” Top priced ram at Classing Classic Ram Sale $30,000.00.
Purchased by a syndicate of Craig & Jed Keller, Ramsgate stud, Tintinara, SA and David Ridgway, Ridgway Advance stud, Bordertown, SA. Plus semen shares to Hynam Poll, Forest Springs studs, Vic and Andrew Joordan, South Africa.
Another photo of Gunallo 140007 “Bond” Top priced ram at Classing Classic Ram Sale $30,000.00. This time with main purchasers Ramsgate & Ridgway Advance Studs.
Gunallo 140026 sold at Classing Classic ram sale for $16,000.00 to Superior Wool Syndicate.
Gunallo 140820 sold to David Farr, Loxton, SA for $15,000.00 and Gunallo 140113 sold for $9,000.00 to Glen & Tracy Farr, Loxton, SA.
From left to right Richard Miller, David Farr, Ray Schroeder, Brad Schroeder, Glen Farr & Gordon Wood.
Both these rams were sold at Adelaide Ram Sale, 2015.
Gunallo purchased Ridgway 721 for $17,000, which was the second top priced ram at Classings Classic 2015.