Gunallo 2015

Gunallo 140009 sold to Altus Pastoral for $3,200.00 (Record On-Property price). Left to right: Richard Miller, Ray Schroeder, Tom Bell and Craig Altus, Altus Pastoral, Michael Lawrence and Brad Schroeder. Gunallo  140007 “Bond” Top priced ram at Classing Classic Ram...

Gunallo 2014

Brad and Ray Schroeder, with their $18,000 Gunallo sale topper at the Classings Classic ram sale at Murray Bridge Racecourse, and Landmark stud stock’s Gordon Wood, second from left and sale organiser Bill Walker, Classings Limited, Murray Bridge, third from...

Gunallo 2013

Gunallo “Pride” Purple Tag 008 sold at Adelaide Ram Sale for $22,000 to Fred Leo, “Leovale Poll Stud” WA and Scott Pickering, “ Pyramid Poll Stud”, WA. Pictured are Ray Schroeder, “Gunallo”, Fred Leo, “Leovale” and Brad Schroeder “Gunallo” Gunallo “Massive” 385. Top...

Gunallo 2012

Gunallo 593 – sold at 2012 Classings Classic ram sale for $7,000 to (from L to R) Tracy, Olivier & Kevin Hynam, Hynam Poll, Hopetown, Vic and Dudley, Duncan, Robyn & Derick Bibby, Modbury Stud, Donald, Vic. Brad Schroeder holding top priced ram at...

Gunallo 2011

Record falls at Pinnaroo Mallee breeders get chance of a lifetime Ram bought from Kamora Park at Classings Classic for $14,500. Classings Classic 2011 – Ram bought from Kamora Park for $14,500. Leahcim 1514 bought from the Leahcim On Property sale for $10,000...