by wender | Dec 22, 2013 | Blog, Events
Gunallo “Pride” Purple Tag 008 sold at Adelaide Ram Sale for $22,000 to Fred Leo, “Leovale Poll Stud” WA and Scott Pickering, “ Pyramid Poll Stud”, WA. Pictured are Ray Schroeder, “Gunallo”, Fred Leo, “Leovale” and Brad Schroeder “Gunallo” Gunallo “Massive” 385. Top...
by wender | Dec 22, 2012 | Blog, Events
Gunallo 593 – sold at 2012 Classings Classic ram sale for $7,000 to (from L to R) Tracy, Olivier & Kevin Hynam, Hynam Poll, Hopetown, Vic and Dudley, Duncan, Robyn & Derick Bibby, Modbury Stud, Donald, Vic. Brad Schroeder holding top priced ram at...
by wender | Dec 22, 2011 | Blog, Events
Record falls at Pinnaroo Mallee breeders get chance of a lifetime Ram bought from Kamora Park at Classings Classic for $14,500. Classings Classic 2011 – Ram bought from Kamora Park for $14,500. Leahcim 1514 bought from the Leahcim On Property sale for $10,000...